Tuesday 1 March 2011

What brings me here?

So, this is my first crack at this blogging.  This last couple months I have been finding myself getting addicted to forums; creating threads, posting my opinions, etc.  I'd be posting on relationship issue forums when really my issues were already pretty much worked out and not all that critical.  I had to examine this, as I am over-analytical and realized that what I needed was to work through my thoughts in writing.  A diary wouldn't cut it ... I needed to write down my thoughts where there was someone who could hear me.  The need the forums weren't filling was my opportunity to crow at my delights as well as my troubles so be prepared to be overwhelmed with gooey in love crap as that's the place I'm in most the time lately.

I really don't have much to say today (a rarity) so will just set this up as an introduction.  With a nice introduction all laid out, it will definitely save me time from giving some background if there's something I really want to say the next time. 

To give you a bit of an introduction to the main characters in this blog:

Lenny: Me :) Intelligent and very over-analytical.  I have to think things through to the nth degree all the time.  I'm 38 1/2 with 4 kids ages 20, 19, 15, and 5.  Was with the baby daddy since I was 17.  Pretty bad relationship that was off and on alot and have been single for around 4 years now.  Baby daddy was still squatting on my couch (couldn't contribute when he was with me, not able to support or take care of himself when I ended it) until almost 2 years ago.

Kevin: My new guy that is absolutely amazing.  This is his real name so if your name is Kevin this is probably about you.  Most of my posts will be about this guy provided we stay together which I think we will.  We live in a small town and I've probably known the guy for close to 20 years.  We never hung in the same circle so we never knew each other that well though.  He is 34 (gasp yes ... a younger man) with no children.  He is quite arrogant, a pig and leans to asshole.  He's also intelligent, very thoughtful in everything he says, wouldn't say anything hurtful intentionally and is really into me :).

I think that is a good start for day one.

You will likely be hearing from me daily or at least almost daily.  Feel free to leave any kind of comment even though they may not be the most flattering; I have tough skin and really welcome varied opinions.

Hopefully we get to know each other.  And thanks so much for reading my stories.

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